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How to Handle Negative Comments and Haters on Social Media as a Creator

Updated: May 28

As a content creator, it's inevitable that you'll receive negative comments on your social media channels. While it's natural to feel upset or defensive when faced with criticism, it's important to remember that negative comments are a normal part of the online landscape.

In this blog post, we'll discuss some strategies for handling negative comments in a way that maintains your professional image and helps you to continue creating great content. Whether you're a blogger, vlogger, or business owner, these tips will help you navigate the sometimes-choppy waters of online communication.

Why Would Your Followers Leave Negative Comments

There can be a variety of reasons why people leave negative comments on social media. Some people may have a genuine concern or criticism about the content or message being shared, while others may leave negative comments out of anger, frustration, or a desire to get a rise out of the person or organization being criticized. In some cases, people may leave negative comments because they disagree with the views being expressed, or because they want to provoke a reaction.

It's also important to recognize that not all negative comments are intentionally malicious – some people may simply have a different perspective or approach, and their comments may not be intended to be hurtful.

5 Tips for Dealing with Negative Comments

1. Take a break

It's important to remember that you don't have to respond to every comment immediately. If you're feeling overwhelmed, it's okay to step away and come back to the comment later when you're feeling more composed.

2. Don't engage in arguments

It's easy to get drawn into a back-and-forth argument with someone online, but this can escalate quickly and often leads to more negativity. Instead, try to defuse the situation by acknowledging the comment and thanking the person for their feedback.

3. Use humor

If appropriate, using a little bit of humor can help to disarm negative comments and turn the conversation around. Just be sure to use caution and make sure that your response is respectful and not sarcastic.

4. Respond professionally

Even if the comment is rude or unkind, it's important to remain professional in your response. Acknowledge the comment, but avoid getting defensive or angry.

5. Seek support

If you're feeling overwhelmed by negative comments, it can be helpful to talk to a friend or mentor for support. It's important to remember that you don't have to face this challenge alone.

This may be the most important tip! Negative comments are a leading cause of creator burnout and it’s important to prioritize your mental health. Surround yourself with supportive people who will be in your corner no matter what.

My Experience with Negative Comments on YouTube

One time, I received hundreds of death threats on a viral video I had posted on YouTube. It was a shocking and overwhelming experience, and I didn't know how to react at first. I eventually had to take action and report the users who were threatening me, as well as block them from my channel. It was a difficult and stressful situation, and I found myself needing to vent about it with my wife. It helped to have her support and to be able to remove comments and users from my channel.

Should You Delete Negative Comments as a Creator?

While yes, negative comments are technically interactions with your account and a positive signal among social media platforms, your mental health should take priority here. If you are feeling fine about comments on your channel, go ahead and keep them and feed the algorithm.

If it is becoming in any way a burden, it’s time to start deleting comments and removing users (if necessary).

Creator Essentials Can Help

If you are experiencing negative comments and need support, consider joining our support group specifically for YouTubers and social media creators, hiring Creator Essentials as a YouTube channel manager so we can deal with your comments, or booking a life coach session today!


Written by Rob Miller

Founder, Creator Essentials

Rob has been on YouTube since 2016 and has worked on dozens of channels and websites, including his own, amassing hundreds of millions of views and hundreds of thousands of subscribers.


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