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When should a YouTuber get a channel manager?

Updated: 2 days ago

When I first started my YouTube channel, it was a passion project—a creative outlet that I could share with the world. Back then, it was easier to manage everything on my own. But as the platform evolved and my channel grew, I found myself juggling more tasks than I ever anticipated.

Feel the same? Then it may be time for you to explore hiring help. In this blog post, I walk you through the different signs that it may be time to hire a YouTube channel manager.

Understanding the Role of a Channel Manager

Before making any decisions, you should understand what a YouTube channel manager actually does. Essentially, a channel manager takes on many of the day-to-day and strategic responsibilities of running a YouTube channel.

This includes:

  • developing content strategies

  • engaging with the audience

  • video and channel optimization

  • thumbnails

  • evaluating channel performance

Unlike consultants who focus on specific areas and are fairly removed from any actual work, a channel manager offers a more comprehensive approach to managing and growing a channel.

Signs That You May Need YouTube Channel a Manager

So, what are the signs that your youtube channel needs a manager?

  1. Overwhelming Day-to-Day Tasks

You feel like you have reached a point where the administrative side of your channel is consuming more time than the creative process.

A YouTuber's duties include:

  • Scheduling uploads

  • Responding to comments

  • Community posting

  • Video ideation

  • Shooting videos

  • Editing

  • Video SEO

  • Channel SEO

  • Branding

  • Running a business

  • Performance evaluation

  • Social media

  • Collaborating

And the list goes on. The #1 complaint for most YouTubers is they have no time. If you find yourself struggling to keep up with these tasks, and important details are starting to slip through the cracks, look to hire some help.

  1. Stagnant Growth Despite Efforts

Despite putting in countless hours and trying various strategies, your subscriber count and viewership have plateaued. It's frustrating to see your efforts not translating into growth. You realize that you might need a fresh perspective or expertise that you don't possess to break through this stagnation.

  1. Desire to Focus Solely on Content Creation

Most YouTuber's true passion lies in creating content. However, the burden of channel upkeep and video optimizations continues to pull you away from what you love most. You are starting to feel burned out from multitasking, and you worry that the quality of your content is suffering as a result.

  1. Unable to Scale

Maybe your channel is doing great. If so, congrats! There comes a point, however, where you may have to deny opportunities for growth simply because you are unable to take on any more work. This could include starting another channel or even starting a business to make money through your channel.

Benefits of Hiring a Channel Manager

Recognizing these signs made me consider the benefits of hiring a channel manager. With someone else handling the operational aspects, you can streamline your workflow and focus on content creation. A manager could also bring professional expertise to business opportunities, enhance growth strategies, and expand your audience reach. Ultimately, this could lead to a more efficient, enjoyable and successful channel.

When to Hire a YouTube Channel Manager

Of course, deciding to hire a channel manager isn't something to take lightly. You should evaluate your channel's financial readiness and determine exactly what scope of management is required. Researching potential managers, understanding their credentials, and being aware of contractual obligations are essential steps in this process.

My advice is to wait until your channel is making some money and your channel idea is proven. Depending on your feel, this might be a few hundred to a few thousand subscribers as a starting point.

Another scenario is if you have a strong business and are looking to grow your channel to improve brand exposure. You could hire a YouTube consultant or channel manager with 0 subscribers to help launch your channel on the right foot.

Channel Status

Should You Hire a Channel Manager?


New channel with 0 subscribers (individual creator)


Focus on proving your channel idea and content first; manage costs until the channel starts generating revenue.

Channel with a few hundred subscribers and making some money


Consider hiring if you're feeling overwhelmed or wish to focus more on content creation.

Channel with minimal content and low engagement, primarily a hobby with no growth ambitions


If the channel is a hobby and you're content with its status, hiring a manager may not be necessary.

Channel with a few thousand subscribers and consistent revenue


Hiring a manager can help scale your channel, handle operational tasks, and allow you to focus on content.

Channel experiencing stagnant growth despite efforts


A channel manager can provide fresh strategies and optimizations to break through stagnation.

Channel with rapid growth but feeling overwhelmed by day-to-day tasks


To manage growth effectively and capitalize on opportunities, a manager can streamline operations.

Business with a strong presence but starting a new YouTube channel for brand exposure


Hiring a channel manager or consultant from the start can help launch the channel successfully and align with business goals.

Individual creators wanting to focus solely on content creation, burdened by operational tasks


A channel manager can handle operational aspects, allowing you to focus on creating high-quality content.

Channel unable to scale due to capacity limitations, needing to deny growth opportunities


A manager can help take on additional workload and explore growth opportunities.

Channel considering starting another channel or expanding into new ventures but lacks time and resources


A manager can assist in managing existing workload and facilitate expansion into new areas.

Creator Essentials can Save You Time

Depending on you and your channel, it might be time to consider hiring a channel manager. Making this informed decision could be the key to maximizing your channel's potential. Remember, it's okay to seek help to achieve your dreams. After all, focusing on what you love while experts handle the rest can make all the difference in your journey as a YouTuber.

Hire Creator Essentials today to help manage your YouTube channel!


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