Average Percentage Viewed (APV)
What is Average Percentage Viewed (APV)?
Average Percentage Viewed (APV) is a metric that measures the average amount of a video that viewers watch. It's calculated by dividing the total watch time of a video by the total length of the video and then multiplying by 100 to get a percentage.
In other words, APV indicates the average portion of your video that viewers engage with.
How do You Calculate Average Percentage Viewed (APV)?
Gather Data: Obtain the necessary data for the video you want to calculate APV for. You'll need the total watch time of the video and the total length of the video.
Use the following formula to calculate APV:
APV = (Total Watch Time / Total Video Length) * 100
Total Watch Time: The total accumulated time that viewers have spent watching your video.
Total Video Length: The duration of the video in minutes.
Here's an example:
Let's say your video has a total watch time of 800 minutes, and the video's total length is 1000 minutes.
APV = (800 / 1000) * 100 = 80%
In this example, the APV for the video is 80%, indicating that, on average, viewers watch 80% of the video.
Keep in mind that this calculation provides an overall average of how much of the video viewers watch. It doesn't account for specific viewer behaviors within different segments of the video.
Why is APV so Important for YouTubers?
APV is important because it provides insights into how engaging your content is. A higher APV suggests that your viewers are staying engaged and watching a significant portion of your video. This metric helps you identify which parts of your video are most captivating and which parts might be causing viewers to drop off.
What is a Good APV on YouTube?
There isn't a one-size-fits-all answer. The ideal APV can vary depending on factors like video length, content type, and audience expectations. Generally, though, a higher APV, such as 50% or above, indicates that your content is engaging and holding viewers' attention throughout. However, it's essential to consider the context and your specific goals when assessing your videos' APV.